10 August, 2008

Short Stay in America's Number 1 Dying State

Christ, how long have I been gone.....
for the next 4 days Robb will be back in Ohio, and thus putting the Ohio back in OhioRobb. I have to say it was strange getting back to the ghetto. I left Pittsburgh after riding some great trail 5 minutes from where i grew up, and the drive back here to C-town felt all to similar to any other drive to a week of work. Not home. Work. And I'm already looking forward to a few more days in Asheville, putting the final touches on this machine before heading out to SSWC. Go clock go! Get me to Friday.


cornfed said...

thought I heard something about a Niner at SSWC? No?

Ohio Robb said...

hmmm...where'd you hear such a preposterous hypothesis, did steve tell you that per chance.....hmmph....steve....

Nope, trusty ole' Dieringer magic sled will be my ride for SSWC. That machine nonsense was my attempt at smack, like I'm a machine, or something....i learned it from watching you dad, i learned it from watching you.

greg said...

you know, you're cynical comments about my home state and eventual burial place are really demoralizing, robb. anyway, i miss you, brother. if you do ever set foot in our future ghost town again, please give me a call.